Welcome to the info page for the Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America (CCPA). The CCPA is a non 501c3 National Outreach of Founder and Director Pester Brat, serving the interests of millions of citizens in the United STATES of America by informing, warning and educating about the constitutional issues facing us, and imminent major economic collapse and how the various levels of government could handle it as it relates to the U.S. and State Constitutions.  Please check out the rest of this page below to learn more, and contact Pester Brat if you have questions or comments. Thank you. Let's hope for the best, prepare for the worst, pray, and accept God's will to be done!

Mission and Goals

1. To inform and warn American citizens of the various issues threatening our way of life in these United States, due to federal spending and the national debt, reactions to the COVID-19 Virus, and other unconstitutional mandates and actions.

2. To encourage the American citizens to get or stay involved with local, state, and federal representatives by voting at election time, contacting them, meeting with them, and conducting peaceful protests when necessary.

3. By communicating with our various state's representatives and senators, city councils, mayors, chiefs of police, and county commissioners and sheriffs, to see where they stand and what they will do to protect their citizens from possible mandates, martial law, mandatory evacuation centers, any other unconstitutional actions, and an international and national economical collapse.

4. To encourage American citizens to do what they can to stock up on water, food, items of necessity, and more, in case of a major economical collapse before the Lord returns.

5. To encourage and assist local assemblies and their servant-leaders to inform and educate their members of these things.

6. To pray as Founder and Director of the CCPA and encourage individuals to pray for wisdom, compassion, boldness, changed hearts, and growth and success of this Outreach.

7. To tell other people about this Outreach by word of mouth, social media, and advertising as funds permit.

8. To have regular gatherings in Founder & Director's county or city and encourage others to do the same in their cities and counties.

9. Even though it's not the primary focus of the CCPA, to proclaim the Gospel of Christ, not only because anything we may try to do may not work and be God's will, but because Christians should do so.

10. Encourage Christians to regularly attend and be involved in a bible believing gospel preaching grace embracing local church fellowship. 

Please check out our Blog to read articles by the Director and respond to them at www.pesterbratdotcom.blogspot.com

What Founder & Director Pester Brat Believes

1. That the Christian Bible alone is God's word from Gen.1:1 thru Rev.22:21.

2. That Jesus the Christ is God the Son, Lord, and only Savior through His sufficient, substitutionary, satisfactory, specific, sacrifice and resurrection, saving those who are born again and believe.

3. That the United States of America is a Constitutional Republic, and that all American citizens, including and especially all elected officials at local, state, and federal levels, are to follow and obey the U.S. Constitution unless it contradicts the Bible, regardless of political party affiliation if any.

4. In the imminent collapse of the U.S. Economy due to the unsustainable national debt of over 30 Trillion Dollars (according to usdebtclock.org on 2/10/2022), and that such a collapse could happen before the Lord's return and there could be very serious consequences that our country has never known that includes mass job loss, hunger and death in God's providence.

5. The 2nd, 9th, & 10th Amendments of the Constitution as originally intended including the unrestricted right of all citizens to own and carry any and as many guns of their choosing without a permit (the Constitution is the permit), and that where the U.S. Constitution is silent the rights belong to the States and people and includes the principles of State, County and City Nullification of unconstitutional laws and orders.

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